About Me


wtf... I feel like a steak now..

I hate dieting... altho I've changed what I eat over the past few years... and at work I try to avoid eating extra food around... I lost 35-40 pounds... I was about 195 2 years ago now I flux between 155-160. so looking up blood type diets for jenny I looked my blood type and found out... I'm supposed to be a vegan... no meat at all!! the whole carbs thing I believe... they seem to just go RIGHT through me... and I've been limiting the amount of meat I eat a little... I don't think I can do the vegan ting... I like the taste of meat... at least give me fish!! stupid evolution...

lynn is a big believer into the blood personality theory so far I fit... except for one trait...

Mood: carnivoreish

8/12/2008 7:00:33 PM


who's on first, what's on secod, i don't kno's in charge

friday was interesting...

I got a new boss so the structure is a little diff for me now... there's the governor, commissioner, assistant commissioner, assistant director, bureau chief, section chief, (new boss) not sure what the official name is..., *ME*... all of the people in my group is under the bureau chief..

the secretary of our bureau told me that the assistant director was asking everyone in the bureau who's in charge since the bureau chief & section chief is out... jokingly I pointed to him and said... "UR in charge!!" it did kind of made sense tho... I mean... if anyone was to leave we'd all notify him... of course he wouldn't have any authority over us... but... we'd tell him... I'm sure that it happened before... I was never told who is in charge... but it doesn't matter... b/c my new boss was in!! :D

8/11/2008 6:36:58 PM


I can't wait!!

w/ the temperature being 60-70 at night. I want fall and winter to come!! I miss the cold w/ heat being so high, it's a nice break. I'm the type that would rather be cold rather than hot. I mean... what can U do when UR hot?! there's only so many clothes U can take off. 6 months later it'll be a diff story...

Mood: chilly

8/10/2008 6:57:49 PM


gotta love when a plan comes together

wends... arthur & I had plans to see hancock I also invited some work friends and someone from facebook... unfortunately... my work friends couldn't make it... but arthur canceled on me last min b/c of work.. SO the whole thing fell apart... I decided to go to the movies anyway... so I went to see wall·e by myself...

I'm doing the whole thing again next week... hopefully people can make it...

Mood: happy I was able to see wall·e but sad no one could make it...
Location: lowes new brunswick

8/8/2008 6:43:58 AM



I put some pictures up. I used jalbum to do the albums. so check out the gallery!

Mood: yay!

8/6/2008 12:29:23 AM

