About Me


you kno you have problems when you have them on speed dial...

SO... of course I have problems w/ F'n comcast... I called yesterday when my internet is out... after I reset the cable modem... I called tech support waited for about half an hour to talk to someone... and they told me to unplug my router and reset the modem... so it's working GREAT!!! which brings me to today...

I call tech support... this time I used the unplug router trick... STILL nothing... I call tech support... of course the automated telephone service said to enter my phone number... some more questions... did U do this... did U do that... blah blah blah... yes yes yes... for security reasons please enter in your phone number... of course I mistyped it... so... type in a bunch of numbers... so I get tech support on the phone... what's UR phone number... wtf... I gave him the phone number that THEY gave me... I'm not finding your name... WTF... I give him my cell phone that I sometimes use... what was that first number that U gave me again? WTF!?!?! finds my acct by my name... we're seeing UR modem on standby... WTF!!?? it's never been used since I've got it over a year ago... the lights are on... well you probably have a bad cable modem... you can either have a technician go over there or switch it at the comcast office... I think I'll switch it... I can fix computers... doing a little cable modem swap is cake... of course w/o internet I couldn't look up 90 lake drive... smart thinking!! so I grab my laptop and go to my car... preparing to drive around and go leech off of someone's internet... whoo hoo!! I can get it from my car!! so... find out... it's over by the animal hospital... I go to the window... I'd like to swap this for another... we don't do this here... OMGWTF!!! we have to send a technician to do that for you... can you send someone out so we can swap it?? no... so ya... this is a REAL productive day...

Mood: I hate comcast...

9/3/2008 7:32:12 PM


wtf am I going to do for 3 hrs?!?!

so I go in for jury duty @ 8:30 at sovereign bank arena parking lot, I was going to get on the shuttle bus. "your not due till 11:30." ok... 8:30 in TRENTON of all places... wtf is there to do? since my work is just around the corner I stopped there for a little bit. then I realized... MY TICKET!! I need to take care of the change of address form... which NJ pulled through w/ their dmv... it's a quick 20 min process w/ the walk and going though security. the rest of the time I did work. visited some people.

Mood: inconvenienced...

9/2/2008 12:00:00 PM


now what?

yesterday... after work... I go to my parent's house to spend some time w/ them... played some wii fit... trying to break my sister's records... which I managed to do for a few games... I get back to my apt... and I find this...

i just want to let u know u were a really good bf... and any girl would be happy to be with you... u were really good to me to bad i see that now... okay sorry just wanted to say that

it's the ex... jeannie... aka dream... which the nickname doesn't suit her anymore since she isn't my dream anymore... I have a new dream... but I wouldn't call her dream b/c well... bad word association... NEWAY!!! Moving on... SERIOUSLY!!! WTF!! Am I supposed to do w/ that?!?! As for the new people... going WTF too... quick history... together for 3ish years... broke up... she moved out... she finds a new b/f... moves in w/ him... and apparently she isn't all that happy w/ the new guy... so!!! She's reminiscing about old times... and she thought she would drop me a line... I forgot to mention... that I forbade her to communicate w/ me in real time... which leaves us just email(I asked her not to put up comments on my site anymore, I don't care about bigfoot and what does that have to do w/ olympics???)... b/c if I get angry... I can walk away from it until I'm ready to respond... and I'm like the hulk... U don't want to see me when I'm angry... so... the fact that she sent me an aim in itself... set me in a bad mood... her little message was a SLAP IN THE FACE!! Now that she has a sucky b/f... she opens her eyes to everything I did for her?!?! So FUCKING WHAT!! She had her chance... telling me this is to little too late... I think I'm going to take my own advice and walk away from this now... this entry is hard enough to read as it is... maybe I'll write more about this later... maybe I won't...

Mood: words can't describe...

8/30/2008 10:35:02 PM


arrrrg uhhhhh arrrrg!

sun night I had a night long dream. I kno it because I woke up 2-3 times and the dream kept on going... it was about zombies... U kno dead people coming back to life... I was pretty much chased the whole time... at one point in time I thought of the pets... nikki and maxie getting infected and spreading it to humans... AND of course... maxie was sitting on my chest at one point in time licking my face... I was half asleep and thinking... no!! U'll turn me into a zombie w/ UR saliva!!

8/19/2008 7:47:23 AM


I sooo hope this is true

supposedly there was the BSOD in the opening ceremonies for the olympics...

in other tech news... besides comcast SUCKING!! it just goes to show you that the US is slow behind some other technological places...

Mood: rage against the machine!!

8/13/2008 7:40:10 PM

