About Me

wtf... I feel like a steak now..

I hate dieting... altho I've changed what I eat over the past few years... and at work I try to avoid eating extra food around... I lost 35-40 pounds... I was about 195 2 years ago now I flux between 155-160. so looking up blood type diets for jenny I looked my blood type and found out... I'm supposed to be a vegan... no meat at all!! the whole carbs thing I believe... they seem to just go RIGHT through me... and I've been limiting the amount of meat I eat a little... I don't think I can do the vegan ting... I like the taste of meat... at least give me fish!! stupid evolution...

lynn is a big believer into the blood personality theory so far I fit... except for one trait...

Mood: carnivoreish

8/12/2008 7:00:33 PM

