About Me


for all you mac fans

interesting article... about how macs aren't all that much pricier compared to normal pcs.

on other computer news... I did get a nice email... From computertraining.com

Hi Ken!

My name is Dennis Ferenchick, the Assistant Director of Admissions with ComputerTraining.com. I am very pleased to say that you did exceptionally well on your on line skills challenge and I am excited to speak with you to review your test scores.

You should feel very proud that you have progressed to this level. Only those who demonstrate a solid foundation with Microsoft operating systems receive this email.

Please give me a call or email once this is received. I will also be following up with you shortly. Please note that I will be calling from the 800 number listed below.

Warm Regards,

Dennis Ferenchick
Assistant Director of Admissions
1-800-733-5641, ext. 1890

I took the test there for shits and giggles... of course I'd do really well... I've been fixing computers for a LONG time... and I majored in info tech... so I'm technologically inclined.. If I didn't get in... it'd be sad..

8/4/2008 8:05:17 PM



such a nice morning! about 70 deg. sunny. great day for a drive. of course I drive w/ my windows down!! unfortunately the last stretch of my ride into work I had to stop next to the back of a bus w/ it's brown smoke filling the area w/ exhaust... and the wind blowing it into the open window... AND on the walk from the parking lot... I was walking behind a smoker... and of course the wind would blow it my direction...

Mood: I feel like vomiting
Location: work

8/4/2008 9:13:56 AM


"are you going bald?"

apparently qureshi saw my head and it looked like I had less hair. I vote it's the hairgel w/ the hairstyle... I think I have enough problems w/ hair... what w/ the gray hairs and now... balding

Mood: ehhhh...

7/31/2008 8:03:41 PM


the comcast drama continues

well yesterday I called comcast to fix the lack of internet connection... they couldn't fix it... I tried what they suggested on a daily basis... SO... they set me up with an appointment for 3-7 today... I get off of work @ 4... so I left work early to make sure I'll be home for the cable person... so guess what happens!!! ... well I'm just glad that it's still chuggin along... but I gotta make up for getting out of work early...

7/29/2008 8:38:44 PM


another reason comcast sucks...

for the past week my internet hasn't been working right... so... lack of blog posts... which is fine... not like my life is THAT eventful... in the beginning... internet would cut out for a few min... I would reset the modem and it would be back!! but... now... nothing... it's back... but who knows for how long...

Mood: frustrated

7/28/2008 8:39:16 PM

