About Me

who's on first, what's on secod, i don't kno's in charge

friday was interesting...

I got a new boss so the structure is a little diff for me now... there's the governor, commissioner, assistant commissioner, assistant director, bureau chief, section chief, (new boss) not sure what the official name is..., *ME*... all of the people in my group is under the bureau chief..

the secretary of our bureau told me that the assistant director was asking everyone in the bureau who's in charge since the bureau chief & section chief is out... jokingly I pointed to him and said... "UR in charge!!" it did kind of made sense tho... I mean... if anyone was to leave we'd all notify him... of course he wouldn't have any authority over us... but... we'd tell him... I'm sure that it happened before... I was never told who is in charge... but it doesn't matter... b/c my new boss was in!! :D

8/11/2008 6:36:58 PM

