About Me


mo money mo problems...

last year I owed 7k in taxes... YES $7,000! I had the money, but it was split over different accts. fast forward 8 months later... I can say I'm back to where I was... needless to say... I haven't really bought anything for myself in a while... now that the bank is filled back up... the urge of buying the things I WANT is growing... and the dropping prices this holiday season doesn't help either...

my latest wanting is a NAS. as usual my computer is getting full of stuff that I'm too lazy to burn. so that will give me a place to store stuff... but looking at prices it's about 400 for the features I want! for a glorified computer that just deals w/ storage. and no drives! it's another 520. I might as well BUILD one MYSELF and use it as a HTPC. one device will work as a nas, tivo, server, blueray/burner. when all is said and done... it'll be about 1300. I would need new tv to go w/ the blueray. it won't play on the curved tube tv I have from an uncle that moved to taiwan... it's a little discolored on the edge. I think it's lived it's life...

Mood: trying not to spend...

12/14/2008 6:01:09 PM


interesting statistics

I went from geek to trendy adult gaming. I just hope it's not one of the people who play solitaire counting themselves as gamers... that would be sooo sad...

thank goodness I'm not a teen anymore. so much b/s

monty might have made the forbes list list... but it fails to mention why I spent 2 hrs trying to navigate through the area when there's heavy rainfall!! it turns into an island or a castle's moat... it was SUPPOSED to be a quick in & out operation... qureshi forgot her vocab book @ work and I wanted to drop it off since she was sicko. but all of the back roads were funneled into the major roads... so slower than the usual rush hour traffic...

Mood: grrrr traffic...

12/13/2008 2:59:21 AM


words hurt

someone said something to me. ever since I've been down.

Mood: (sniff)

12/12/2008 3:00:51 PM


it's a trust thing...

so I met this total stranger on fb. we start talking a little bit. she tells me about her life. long story short she's got some problems... and I feel for her, since how she describes her life reminds me of my family...

SO... she said that her dad has lots of money, someplace and plans to donate most of it. BUT in order to GET that.. she needs to be married, so it'll go to her & her husband.. I'm sorry.. it would be nice to have money like that... but not something that I'd want to do... so something else, she said that give her my name/address and she'll send me a check and I cash it for her and somehow I'm supposed to get the money to her. I'm just sittin here thinkin about the internet security guy that sits in the next cubicle over from me at work (if your standing next to him, he'll cover up his keyboard as he's typing his password... (sigh)). telling me about the whole nigeria scam, and hearing over the radio about the craigslist check scam. and I'm not even counting the fact that it's the internet and you don't REALLY kno who's on the other side. if they're lying, or telling the truth, or even of the same gender as they claim to be. I'm sorry but I would never ask a stranger to do that for me. I need to trust the person.

there were lots of suspicious things to the matter too. just vague answers to questions, being evasive. different styles of typing. conflicting information.

I know I'm being gullible and stupid... but I feel bad... I always have this one quote in my head... "live as tho the world is as it should be, to show it what it can be." when I first noticed that line. it blew me away. and ever since, it's how I strive to live my life. I've been conflicted between helping and worried about the negative consequences if it's a scam. don't worry. I'm not going to go through w/ it. somehow it just gnaws at my conscience that I have the ability to help, but I chose not to.

I kno what my sister and lynn would say to me right about now. I can hear them now telling me how gullible I am...

Mood: is it wrong to feel bad?

12/7/2008 7:31:05 PM


it never ends.

stupid comcast! for the past week my internet connection has been dropping in and out! I started to notice a pattern... it's on when I wake up, and it's on a little bit after I get home... SO... I made a program that would test the connection and keep track what happens... my internet was working all night long.

Mood: (sigh)

12/4/2008 12:40:10 PM

