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tech computer news

I have no sympathy for him. apparently I'm not a good person. I would be one of those people that will tell him to kill himself. if I said to kill himself and found out about it later, I would feel bad. but the actual suicide... I'd feel nothing.

hey look at me I've been trendy this whole time! I never thought that I would be.

I hate cops. it's like the ones who turn on the lights to pass a red light. total abuse of power. so not fair. I swear they should be held at a higher standard than the normal citizen. they're SUPPOSED to be role models.

11/27/2008 9:32:31 PM


a new family member...

I can always tell who I met first by how they greet me. if they say ken, it's me. if they say kenny well... it's some family member. my sister and parent's haven't called me that in a while. it's better than ti-ti. which is translated into little brother. I don't respond to it anymore, especially if there's someone else younger than me there. I got sick of answering to that name when they're calling for someone else.

so qureshi want's to call me kenny. so she claimed herself family. hmmmm. I wonder if she'll go to the next cousin's wedding...

Mood: yay! new family member!

11/25/2008 12:24:38 AM


you kno them.. one of THOSE people...

you no the people... who you're next to at the light, when the light turns green, they speed off!

yesterday I was next to a porsche, the light turned green... of course he sped off... I caught up to him on my exit... so sad and I was really close to him through the turns. I hold the similar ideas to inital d. where the driver is more important than the car itself. the driver can unlock the full potential of what a car can do. and I've believe that a monkey can drive in a straight line fast! it takes a driver to handle turns.

Mood: need for speed

11/24/2008 12:46:04 AM


100% sucess rate... kinda

when I buy stuff I will find deals w/ rebates, sure you spend more. but you get the money back. other than that one time I bought a ton of stuff the day BEFORE the rebate was supposed to start... I've gotten the money.

I was trying to do 2 loads of laundry one day, and of course the guy wasn't paying attention to the time using up 3/4 of the washing machines. I bumped into another person trying to do laundry, he seemed like a nice guy. he asked me for my last name, I told him and he said that there was a rebate check on top of the mailbox from ocz for me. when I went to the mailbox of course it was gone... so I'm out of $20. oh well... I have a $40 comin... hopefully the mailman won't put it in the wrong box...

Mood: perplexed, I'm glad that the rebate came.. but not in my hands...

11/21/2008 5:05:30 PM


the REAL test begins... tomorrow...

well as far as I can tell the code works... one more security measure for comments... tactics I've used so far:
1. change the number of the entry, since they almost always post to the same one.
2. ip blocker for numerous offenders.
3. admin page to automate deleting phony comments and adding ip to blocklist

I finished and tested a random number text generator. it seems to work on my local machine. the real test is putting it up here. but I forgot my usb drive which has filezilla. it's not that I don't want to d/l it... it's that I want to back it up before I upload it to the server.

2 days worth of work!! I hope that I left it modular enough where I can use it anywhere on my site!!

Mood: you never kno what UR capable of untill your pushed
Music: lady gaga

11/20/2008 4:07:25 AM

