About Me

mo money mo problems...

last year I owed 7k in taxes... YES $7,000! I had the money, but it was split over different accts. fast forward 8 months later... I can say I'm back to where I was... needless to say... I haven't really bought anything for myself in a while... now that the bank is filled back up... the urge of buying the things I WANT is growing... and the dropping prices this holiday season doesn't help either...

my latest wanting is a NAS. as usual my computer is getting full of stuff that I'm too lazy to burn. so that will give me a place to store stuff... but looking at prices it's about 400 for the features I want! for a glorified computer that just deals w/ storage. and no drives! it's another 520. I might as well BUILD one MYSELF and use it as a HTPC. one device will work as a nas, tivo, server, blueray/burner. when all is said and done... it'll be about 1300. I would need new tv to go w/ the blueray. it won't play on the curved tube tv I have from an uncle that moved to taiwan... it's a little discolored on the edge. I think it's lived it's life...

Mood: trying not to spend...

12/14/2008 6:01:09 PM

