About Me


long time a comin!!

yup lots of things happened these past 2 months... some good some bad... there are some stories that I want to share... like I always do... but I'll do it later...

all I have to say... I'm excited about sunday!!

4/14/2009 3:42:29 AM


money money money!!

for a while now, nj state worker's salaries are public knowledge... but the asbury park press puts it in a nice and neat searchable webpage...

Mood: I want to shoot myself w/ how much some of the lazy people get paid...

2/7/2009 4:37:10 AM


gettin along in age...

yes I know I'm not what I used to be... after watching this special... I feel soooo sad!! but! at least it shows you how to fight the aging process a little... in a yummy way

Mood: what was I doing?

2/3/2009 1:43:52 AM


sad sad day...

me being the paranoid screw up I am... somehow I got in in my head that I'm a burden on her... and I said some things... long story short... I might have lost someone important to me.. my best friend lynn. we've been there for each other throughout the years... it's been 6 years since I first met her. I have the chatlogs to prove it!! it's funny how we first started to talk... no matter what happens she'll always have a special place in my heart, cherishing the good and the bad. but mostly the good.

Mood: what's done is done... I'll be sad losing her... but I'm hoping for the best... preparing for the worst...

1/26/2009 6:01:13 AM


penny saved is a penny earned

so ya, my dresser is a graveyard of coins. when jeannie and I moved into the apt together, we got a piggy bank. it's pretty big. it took me about 3 years to fill it up! and the past month or so, I've been just laying the change on my dresser. SO I bit the bullet and got a change sorter, of course, I needed the rolls and batteries. BUT after all the change I have $60 in dimes, $20 in nickles, and a takeout quart of pennies. not a bad haul for 3 years of change!! so I'm ahead about $60. now what to do w/ all that change??

Mood: I should unroll it and pay for something w/ it!! ya I'm so mean...

1/24/2009 4:08:44 PM

