About Me

penny saved is a penny earned

so ya, my dresser is a graveyard of coins. when jeannie and I moved into the apt together, we got a piggy bank. it's pretty big. it took me about 3 years to fill it up! and the past month or so, I've been just laying the change on my dresser. SO I bit the bullet and got a change sorter, of course, I needed the rolls and batteries. BUT after all the change I have $60 in dimes, $20 in nickles, and a takeout quart of pennies. not a bad haul for 3 years of change!! so I'm ahead about $60. now what to do w/ all that change??

Mood: I should unroll it and pay for something w/ it!! ya I'm so mean...

1/24/2009 4:08:44 PM

