About Me


"a forward thinking man... who looks back"

I look at my life... where I am... and where I've been. I never notice the changes until a point in time down the road.

I've been working out... I lost A LOT of weight from my maximum... starting to build muscle now and some stomach definition in certain lighting :P

things with my girlfriend now are going really well... I'm happy. she tells me that she's happy too so it's a blessing. I'm hoping that the feeling doesn't change. I came to the epiphany that I'll most likely be single for the rest of my life... and if I were to find someone else... I would take that as a blessing.

she did tell me one time... "I want to be surrounded by successful people." which makes sense. a lot of times UR friends would rub off of you even without you knowing, either by going with their things, or if you hate it, then the direct opposite. I've grown to be more and more positive towards life... and I feel like people are drawn to that... I think it's funny... when you're in that position where people look towards you for positive influence... it makes everyone else look negative.

work is a little weird. how layoffs happen... there's a long explanation as to what happens... but in the end... it's usually the people w/ the least amount of time worked... not the amount of money you earn... or how important your job is... it's a little sad if you look at the curve for the age groups... it leans toward the older people... if there were to be any major layoffs.. I would be one of the first ones to be cut... it doesn't matter that I've been working on reports for high level people... or I'm involved helping bringing money back into the department... just that I've been there for only 3 years... but I feel that I do important work, and I think I would be one of the first to be hired back.

Mood: life is good... hard at times... but good

4/21/2010 1:49:03 AM


shitty shitty day...

saturday had to have been one of the worst days for a lot of people. I don't mind going to my father's garage nowadays. he wants me to help, so I go, being there wasn't really all that bad, just the things that HAPPENED there made it worse. two of the workers there had a bad day before mine started. one had to leave early b/c his basement started to flood. the other one's day was ruined by the new part broke, and spent a lot more time fixing it up. mine was ruined almost at closing, where the parts that were sent over were wrong. worked on it some more, and more parts were wrong. when it's all said and done... I left 2 hrs after closing. the rain on the way home caused some expected delays. but for rt 1 to be closed, it was a major dilemma. I get that you need to close the road for flood or a major accident. but at lest put up detour signs to help people find their way back!! I didn't want to go with the flow of traffic so I turned around and eventually got to rt 130. I drove past my old neighborhood. and then the traffic was blocked off again. I was forced to detour. I got a little lost. eventually I was able to make it home after 2 hrs. throughout my drive I wished that it was daylight and that my cellphone had a charge. I forgot to charge it the night before. so every time I used the gps, I was terrified that it would shut down on me!! I'm glad it didn't.

Mood: ugh... just glad it's over

3/17/2010 8:50:50 AM


are you listening to me?

I have these HUGE sony headphones. most people assume I can't hear anything. but I can. there are several times where people will talk ABOUT me... but I respond... surprise on them!!

I arrived at penn station and find out that the train home is boarding at that moment... so I go to the platform and get on the train... I hear the pa announcement of all the stops... oops wrong train..

Mood: I'm glad I don't have my music turned all the way up!

3/7/2010 2:13:28 PM


it's alive!!

I installed a new battery after reading up on how to swap it out. it's breathed new life into it!! too bad I've been eying the v5 after a full charge I let it play while I'm at work. after playing it for almost the whole time i'm at work... it's still at 3/4 bars!! definitely worth it!!

Mood: conflicted... I like taking things apart... but I like new stuff too

1/25/2010 7:39:16 PM


I told you so...

at work, I've fallen into the role of database management... not really design, or maintenance... so I pretty much live and breathe data... so about 2 weeks ago... I get a spreadsheet and was asked to compare it to ours... since it's a PITA to do... I just want to do it once... so I spot check it... and ID numbers were off... 2% to be exact... yes, grand scheme of things it's not too bad... but the thing was it was missing a digit... which, if they don't even check to see if they have the right number of digits... they wouldn't check the right ID numbers were entered in... I told the one who requested it... to go back to whoever made it to ask for them to check it... "no, whatever you don't match, we'll go by hand and enter them in." of course I fought with him and implored him to have the list double checked... in the end... I left angry and did it anyway... 30% of the names were off, but I'd say up to 20% were truly off... I sent him what he wanted... with an email saying that I did it, and if there were any errors... it's up to him... there was a few ironies about this... he did it to save him time... but, he would still have to go back and double check things anyway... it almost seems like a wasted effort... also usually he's the pessimist and I'm the optimist... total role reversal!!

Mood: what do I kno... I just do this for my job...

1/25/2010 7:06:26 PM

