About Me

I told you so...

at work, I've fallen into the role of database management... not really design, or maintenance... so I pretty much live and breathe data... so about 2 weeks ago... I get a spreadsheet and was asked to compare it to ours... since it's a PITA to do... I just want to do it once... so I spot check it... and ID numbers were off... 2% to be exact... yes, grand scheme of things it's not too bad... but the thing was it was missing a digit... which, if they don't even check to see if they have the right number of digits... they wouldn't check the right ID numbers were entered in... I told the one who requested it... to go back to whoever made it to ask for them to check it... "no, whatever you don't match, we'll go by hand and enter them in." of course I fought with him and implored him to have the list double checked... in the end... I left angry and did it anyway... 30% of the names were off, but I'd say up to 20% were truly off... I sent him what he wanted... with an email saying that I did it, and if there were any errors... it's up to him... there was a few ironies about this... he did it to save him time... but, he would still have to go back and double check things anyway... it almost seems like a wasted effort... also usually he's the pessimist and I'm the optimist... total role reversal!!

Mood: what do I kno... I just do this for my job...

1/25/2010 7:06:26 PM

