About Me

"a forward thinking man... who looks back"

I look at my life... where I am... and where I've been. I never notice the changes until a point in time down the road.

I've been working out... I lost A LOT of weight from my maximum... starting to build muscle now and some stomach definition in certain lighting :P

things with my girlfriend now are going really well... I'm happy. she tells me that she's happy too so it's a blessing. I'm hoping that the feeling doesn't change. I came to the epiphany that I'll most likely be single for the rest of my life... and if I were to find someone else... I would take that as a blessing.

she did tell me one time... "I want to be surrounded by successful people." which makes sense. a lot of times UR friends would rub off of you even without you knowing, either by going with their things, or if you hate it, then the direct opposite. I've grown to be more and more positive towards life... and I feel like people are drawn to that... I think it's funny... when you're in that position where people look towards you for positive influence... it makes everyone else look negative.

work is a little weird. how layoffs happen... there's a long explanation as to what happens... but in the end... it's usually the people w/ the least amount of time worked... not the amount of money you earn... or how important your job is... it's a little sad if you look at the curve for the age groups... it leans toward the older people... if there were to be any major layoffs.. I would be one of the first ones to be cut... it doesn't matter that I've been working on reports for high level people... or I'm involved helping bringing money back into the department... just that I've been there for only 3 years... but I feel that I do important work, and I think I would be one of the first to be hired back.

Mood: life is good... hard at times... but good

4/21/2010 1:49:03 AM

