About Me


wedding overdose

this year I've been to lots of weddings. most of them I don't know the bride or groom. today's one of those days. it was definitely different.

I've noticed that my taiwanese is improving! I'm not forced to use it, but since I'm trying to not use english, it's coming back. I think the biggest shock is finding more taiwanese on television. it's such a nice thing to see. er... hear... I like the sound a lot better than mandarin. I feel like wedding crashers.

Location: taoyuan, taiwan

11/14/2010 8:32:01 AM


apparently I need to have a girlfriend to be around my relatives.

they keep trying to hook me up. it's not that I don't want to have a girlfriend again. but UR talking about being setup with someone that most likely wouldn't know english. I'm terrified that it'll be like some of the worst of my relatives. and if it's like that and it's someone I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with? uhhh... no. yes, my taiwanese would be A LOT better... but still... not worth the price.

as for the first day. it wasn't too bad. drank lots of coffe all morning long! strong too! just the way I like it, but not enough sugar. I want to cutback anyway, I miss it though. even though it was raining all day long, I was able to get some really good pictures. I love some of the ones I took of taiwan 101. hopefully I can edit and have them posted soon. the worst highlight was almost being hit with an umbrella 3 times!! apprently one of my uncles likes to think he's important since he has an umbrella, swinging it around like a lazy baton twirler. think... the penguin from the old batman series. ate lots of food. good think I started to workout before I left. I'm sooo gaining weight...

it's weird, that there were so many open wifi points, and NO SINGNAL so sad. I spent a part of the day fighting to keep a connection.

11/13/2010 9:00:00 PM


remote entry

it's a huge culture shock being back in taiwan. no wifi and no outlet the whole plane ride was killing me!! BUT I did have a battery pack to juice my itouch so that helped curb the boredom. I typed a few entries during the plane ride so I'll add them manually later.

Mood: it's about 11am running on about 4-5 hrs sleep in the past 2 days... I'm fighting the sleep that's slowly creeping up on me!!
Location: TAIWAN BABY!!

11/13/2010 9:40:53 AM


smells like teen spirit

not really... smells like someone's got gas... whole trip!! and daycare in the row behind me... I had a LOVELY flight!!! ... ... ... seriously they're wearing down my patience. I soooo want to hurt them. but I understand. they're kids, sitting in the same spot for more than 2 hrs is torture as it is. let alone a total of 18 hrs on a flight. that's the only thing keeping from being a jackass and yelling at them. so a little banging on EVERYTHING isn't too bad... at least they didn't get someone with a short fues sitting in front of them.

11/12/2010 5:00:00 AM


you get what U pay for...

I'm a little disappointed by the flight. no power, I even brought my GOOD airline power inverter. so everything is running on a full charge until it dies. this is where I'm glad I switched from the tablet. I'd get about 1hr, maybe 2 tops! and it generates enough heat to make UR arm/leg REALLY uncomfortable. and now there's the hazard of excessive heat on your lap leading to discoloration of the skin. my new laptop now gets about 5 hrs on batt! something I'm not normally used to. I only used it for about 2 hrs.

I think I'm getting older... I was able to pass out almost the whole time from newark to anchorage. I kept going in and out of conciousness. of course what woke me up is that I got uncomfortable. but I managed.

the layover in alaska wasn't too bad. just an hour. during that time I setup a free wifi txt messaging service for my ipod touch. it'll come in handy when I'm in taiwan, only if I find a wifi spot. takeoff was interesting. somehow water was dripping on me. my guess is that a bottle of water leaked from the overhead compartment. it would be freaky if it was something else...

As of this moment I feel trapped. I have a window seat, no sunlight out since it's about 1am where I'm at. the person sitting next to me is passed out on the tray table. a kid behind me keeps kicking the chair. and the person in infront of me is reclined. I'm glad I have something to entertain me. I keep hearing a kid talk. it sounds like he's at an age where he hasn't learned about inside voices.. my headphones aren't loud enough to drown all of the noise.

I feel like an idiot. I didn't fully test my virtual machine before I left. now it's having issues displaying my blog to work on it. oh well.

11/12/2010 3:00:00 AM

