About Me

you get what U pay for...

I'm a little disappointed by the flight. no power, I even brought my GOOD airline power inverter. so everything is running on a full charge until it dies. this is where I'm glad I switched from the tablet. I'd get about 1hr, maybe 2 tops! and it generates enough heat to make UR arm/leg REALLY uncomfortable. and now there's the hazard of excessive heat on your lap leading to discoloration of the skin. my new laptop now gets about 5 hrs on batt! something I'm not normally used to. I only used it for about 2 hrs.

I think I'm getting older... I was able to pass out almost the whole time from newark to anchorage. I kept going in and out of conciousness. of course what woke me up is that I got uncomfortable. but I managed.

the layover in alaska wasn't too bad. just an hour. during that time I setup a free wifi txt messaging service for my ipod touch. it'll come in handy when I'm in taiwan, only if I find a wifi spot. takeoff was interesting. somehow water was dripping on me. my guess is that a bottle of water leaked from the overhead compartment. it would be freaky if it was something else...

As of this moment I feel trapped. I have a window seat, no sunlight out since it's about 1am where I'm at. the person sitting next to me is passed out on the tray table. a kid behind me keeps kicking the chair. and the person in infront of me is reclined. I'm glad I have something to entertain me. I keep hearing a kid talk. it sounds like he's at an age where he hasn't learned about inside voices.. my headphones aren't loud enough to drown all of the noise.

I feel like an idiot. I didn't fully test my virtual machine before I left. now it's having issues displaying my blog to work on it. oh well.

11/12/2010 3:00:00 AM

