About Me


I feel trapped.

went for a nature hike with my uncle to take pictures... of course, the little buggers love the taste of american blood... literally... I must've been bitten once a min. the choice is... be indoors or outside under the roof in what can be described as a lobby area... I'd rather be in the lobby where it's cool with fresh air. I do have to put up with the mosquitos... now it's a different kind of trapped... in a layer of chemicals or home remedies to keep bugs away. current mosquito count... 15-20!! I'm kind of glad. they only itch after the initial bite afterwards I don't really feel them.

Mood: itching like a crack addict

11/16/2010 9:00:00 AM


whoever gave the impression that roosters crow at dawn should be shot.

I've been up since about 3. most of it could be that I passed out really early yesterday. most of the credit goes to the roosters have been at it since I've been up!! It didn't help that I had a commando mosquito that follow me into my room after going to the bathroom. While I was watching "1 liter of tears" it got 3 bites in before I retreated under my blanket. I heard it buzz inside the blanket!! After a few min, it got too stuffy for me, so I poked my head out and continued to watch. I heard it fly by my head. Let's just say... she got darwined... muhahaha!!

living here is different than living anywhere else. It's tecnically the countryside, but it's not like the countryside in the states. Where you see acres and acres of land. It's more like a neighborhood where everyone has a house, it looks like a storefront in the city, and a small patch of land where they grow various things. Whatever they grow gets traded amongst the neighbors. My mom explained to me that in the whole town, we're pretty much all related. The uncle that I'm staying with is a packrat, he keeps almost everything. A lot of it is from him being an artist. He considers almost everything art or something worth keeping since it might be of use. While helping my mom and him clean, there's a layer of dust over everything. I remember visiting this place the last time I was in taiwan, about 7 years ago. It's not what I remembered, what time can do to a place...

Mood: another sleepless night

11/16/2010 6:54:00 AM


I'm slowly being eaten alive!!

I'm out in the country and I was outside for maybe 45 min... I have 7 mosquito bites!! apperntly the food I've been eating in the states makes me very tasty to taiwanese mosquitos... IDK I go through this everytime I'm in taiwan... just so rich in fat or something. I did learn a way to repel them... the fragrance from the dryer sheet will help repel them.

I feel like I've written something else. I think the half online blog is starting to mess with me. I'm getting confused between the two... (sigh)

11/15/2010 1:00:00 PM


my day started early

well it started at 1 am since I couldn't sleep since then. I tried. I tried really hard to sleep. but I couldn't. I had a bad dream. all I kno is that I was holding someone in my arms as they cried. I'm embarassed to say who, so I won't say anything... I felt like I had such a close connection with fobii that if I dreampt something bad were to happen to her, or if she entered my thoughts a lot, there was a high chance that something was going on with her. Which is why my dream worried me... I think it's a false feeling tho. dispite it, it kept me up. at 6 I got ready to catch the train to go to shuei li. 50 min on the HSR, high speed rail, another hour and a half on another rail, and a half hour bus ride.

I saw my grandmother today. it's weird seeing her like this. so weak and so out of it. I'm used to is her running around since she has such a strong will and body. holding her mitted hand, and seeing her face, with an oxygen tube, not being able to speak, looking as tho she didn't understand... I almost cried. I still smiled, to help her feel at ease. it must kill her to be in this condition.

11/15/2010 10:40:00 AM


this feeling isn't real

this feeling isn't real... this feeling isn't real... this feeling isn't real... this feeling isn't real... this feeling isn't real... this feeling isn't real... this feeling isn't real... this feeling isn't real... this feeling isn't real... this feeling isn't real... this feeling isn't real... this feeling isn't real... this feeling is artificial...

Mood: even though my smile is back and brighter than before... this feeling isn't real...

11/15/2010 8:51:00 AM

