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my day started early

well it started at 1 am since I couldn't sleep since then. I tried. I tried really hard to sleep. but I couldn't. I had a bad dream. all I kno is that I was holding someone in my arms as they cried. I'm embarassed to say who, so I won't say anything... I felt like I had such a close connection with fobii that if I dreampt something bad were to happen to her, or if she entered my thoughts a lot, there was a high chance that something was going on with her. Which is why my dream worried me... I think it's a false feeling tho. dispite it, it kept me up. at 6 I got ready to catch the train to go to shuei li. 50 min on the HSR, high speed rail, another hour and a half on another rail, and a half hour bus ride.

I saw my grandmother today. it's weird seeing her like this. so weak and so out of it. I'm used to is her running around since she has such a strong will and body. holding her mitted hand, and seeing her face, with an oxygen tube, not being able to speak, looking as tho she didn't understand... I almost cried. I still smiled, to help her feel at ease. it must kill her to be in this condition.

11/15/2010 10:40:00 AM

