About Me


I need more work

I didn't get as far with my taiwanese as I thought. spent time with other relatives today. kind of makes it difficult to communicate, they have no idea how much taiwanese I know, so they say a lot of words that I'm not familiar with. it's kind of good that I'm being exposed to more words, but no translation doesn't help.

I got dragged out of bed at 6ish to take pictures again. this time we biked. not bad, except I'm used to a light workout and then eating a clif bar. so after 20 min, I felt really weak. I got a few pictures in, but as with the other day, lots of haze, so it limits the distance that I can shoot.

I went to see my second uncle, last anyone told me, he's in a coma. if there's a poster child for anti drinking & driving, it's him. watching him with an IV, feeding tube, monitors, respirator, cathoder, it's sad since he looked so sickly. I was surprised when I saw him open his eyes! but my mom told me, just because they open their eyes, doesn't mean they understand. but, he responded with a smile when my mom said, "jiayo"

afterwards we went to eat at a japanese restaurant. presentation is definately up there!! took pictures of the food! an uncle was in the neighborhood we were in, and stopped by. he hijacked me from my mom and took me around. the day was very cloudy, and there wasn't much to look at, lots of farmland. taking pictures was a huge struggle! I did manage to get some shots in that were interesting. we stopped by a small restaurant and ate fried mini shrimp, seafood pancake, and something else fried.

I was passed onto another relative. for a few min until my mom arrived. dinner at a restaurant that took pink a little bit too seriously. after dinner, we headed back home, so within a 6 hr period. I had 3 meals... before we made it home we needed to use my luck to play the lotto. we won $200NT but we spent $300NT exchange rate is 30:1 so UR looking at spending $10 USD and winning $6

there's something that I've been thinking about today. it's a line from chuck. "You didn't go far enough, Chuck! Sarah is special. I know it. You know it. If you love her, if she's the one, then you don't stop. You don't quit. You never go too far." granted it's about love, but I'm finding that I'm using that "do whatever it takes" metality already. I feel like that with fobii right now. especially since it's been a long time since I've had a chance to see her.

I wish I had wifi on my ipod. I feel weird not txting my crush. it's weirder that I've known her for only 2 weeks before I went to taiwan. despite that my monthly txt allowence took a HUGE hit. when I do find wifi, she's the first and last person I txt. actually I don't have anyone else stored in my pod. I should start to import others.

11/19/2010 11:46:00 PM


feeling a little pictured out...

pictures again, but we added another uncle and my mom to the mix. I brought a mask with me too, I need the wound to avoid direct sunlight. I'm starting to use the manual mode on my camera a lot today. I had to fight with the sun all morning long!! it was alwas in the shot. after a while I figured, why not add it to the picture. some shots came out great. I have to throw most of them away since they are me testing the settings of the camera. there has been very minimal amount of people in my pictures.

at a budhist temple, there was a vending machine giving out fortunes, apparently I got a REALLY lucky one! it said that the bad luck doors closed, and the good luck ones are opening, and apparently I'll come into extra money.. they all want me to buy a lottery ticket. yes, it's superstition to belive the fortune, but with everything that's been going on in my life. I think that new doors ARE opening for me. I hope that they lead to something good.

11/18/2010 1:15:00 PM


I took a picture THIS big!!

more pictures with my uncle. he sees that I have a dslr and figures that I like taking pictures. I do, altho nature kind of gets boring after a while... there's only SO many times I can shoot a plant. I'd rather do people at this point. we went all around the mountains we stopped at various places, a bridge, friend's houses, random spots, even a random person's home. I was prepared!! no way was any bugs getting on me!! I wore long sleves, doused myself with off, had a dryersheet in my hat!! didn't feel a thing today!! I would love to drive the mountain roads, they're nice and windy!! if I could just close them off to drive at my own pace!! about 1/3 the speed of initial d..

last night, to help curb my jet lag, I went to this art workshop. they took salt, shaved some pastels into it to create a color, we did sand art with it. the end result was just a hodgepodge of colors. it felt like a teambuilding excercise, minus the teambuilding. afterwards there was some clay. I took a few pictures, after a few min, they asked me if I could send them the pictures. I then took more pictures :P I love candid shots. something about shooting people in their natural state excites me. It's hard to get really good shots. I've gone through probably 2000 pictures and really liked 2 shots fo people. one was last night. I'm very tired of the same type of shot. especially when you look into the average photo album in my family. it's people standing in front of some landmark. almost like they're taking a picture to prove that they were there.
I love sitting in the lobby. it's just such a nice area to sit in with lots of fresh air and cooler than indoors. plus I get visitors!! aoh pwei(black skin) & mimi. two dogs that seem to be strays and have been abused, but they have a home, they just roam where they want. I'm starting to grow on them, they like visiting me and saying hi. some of it could be my aunt, she feeds them. they took me for a walk...

11/17/2010 9:48:00 PM



I merged the offline entries that I had. so they're up now it's kind of mixed in there. I should get to programming to streamline the process... (sigh)

11/16/2010 3:25:19 PM


moley moley moley

since I don't have much to do around here, one of my aunt's suggestions was to remove some moles on my face. sure why not? I forget the count it is currently, my mom would periodically. the last count was 14 across my face and ears. when the doctor saw me for the examination, he said that he had one type of laser specifically for moles that have a bump, he would remove the mole. there is a chance that there would be some scarring. As for the other 12+ moles that were flat, he didn't have the type of laser to take care of them. I chose to remove one of the moles since I'm concerned about the ones that do pop out, yet I'm afrid of the risk of scarring. some local anesthesia and about 10 min later... I have a hole on my face :P

Mood: one less mole to worry about

11/16/2010 1:10:29 PM

