About Me


my new fav show

somehow I'm reminded of Engrish or my uncle speaking english... on speed and/or crack... it's called gorgeous tiny chicken machine show to sum it up... it's like the stereotypical japanese tv show... w/ lots of energy and just random stuff...

Mood: laughing my ass off!

7/23/2008 8:26:35 PM


only so many times...

the typical impression of state workers are that they're lazy and dumb. well for the most part it's true. case in point... I was in a meeting this morning. this one guy, he's a manager, and I've been working with him for the past year workin on the "direct billing" project (recovering money we didn't bill for the past 10 years mostly b/c of human error). we have stacks and stacks of bills with various issues. we can get rid of tons of them. HIS BOSS tells him... we can get rid of a lot of bills if we have someone to quickly look through them and cancel the bills. for 10 min we were arguing with him, trying to convince him that it was an easy fix, that we're trying to help him. unfortunately, he kept on saying, we need to look through all the bills. they're both right in their own way. but still.. we're trying to move a head since we're behind about a month than when we originally wanted to be done.

7/9/2008 10:07:25 PM


slowly coming together

I've been thinking about adding a projects page for the random stuff that I do. Right now it's just a list of things. Nothing else. I will add pictures from my picture frame project, it's already done tho. so there's no pictures of me in the process of building it tho...

7/8/2008 11:59:00 PM


a little dissapointed

I bought my dad a new digital camera... His complaint about the one his sony cybershot he has now is that the flash isn't always on, and now they won't sell the memory sticks anymore... SO I bought him a canon powershot sd1100is. I give it to him after dinner. An expected "thank you" he says. And he carries off the camera and puts it away in another room. So I go back to the dinner table and munch on some of the left overs and talk to my mom and sister. A few minutes later... My dad comes back.
"Do you like the camera?"
"it's good"
"did you open it?"
"how can you tell it's good w/o opening it"
"the picture on the cover looks nice"
with all his complaining about his old camera I was expecting a little more... Oh well...

Mood: what do you think?
Location: homehome

7/8/2008 7:33:12 PM


old age showing

ok... I already kno about the light brown hair on my head... And even the white one on the side... But another on the top!! (sigh)
I did manage to put a web tracker, so I'll kno who visits me!!

Mood: old

7/1/2008 10:16:47 PM

