About Me

only so many times...

the typical impression of state workers are that they're lazy and dumb. well for the most part it's true. case in point... I was in a meeting this morning. this one guy, he's a manager, and I've been working with him for the past year workin on the "direct billing" project (recovering money we didn't bill for the past 10 years mostly b/c of human error). we have stacks and stacks of bills with various issues. we can get rid of tons of them. HIS BOSS tells him... we can get rid of a lot of bills if we have someone to quickly look through them and cancel the bills. for 10 min we were arguing with him, trying to convince him that it was an easy fix, that we're trying to help him. unfortunately, he kept on saying, we need to look through all the bills. they're both right in their own way. but still.. we're trying to move a head since we're behind about a month than when we originally wanted to be done.

7/9/2008 10:07:25 PM


Gee sounds like meetings with my boss... Why don't they ever listen and want to complicate things more than they have to be??? That question I will never understand...

