About Me

I took a picture THIS big!!

more pictures with my uncle. he sees that I have a dslr and figures that I like taking pictures. I do, altho nature kind of gets boring after a while... there's only SO many times I can shoot a plant. I'd rather do people at this point. we went all around the mountains we stopped at various places, a bridge, friend's houses, random spots, even a random person's home. I was prepared!! no way was any bugs getting on me!! I wore long sleves, doused myself with off, had a dryersheet in my hat!! didn't feel a thing today!! I would love to drive the mountain roads, they're nice and windy!! if I could just close them off to drive at my own pace!! about 1/3 the speed of initial d..

last night, to help curb my jet lag, I went to this art workshop. they took salt, shaved some pastels into it to create a color, we did sand art with it. the end result was just a hodgepodge of colors. it felt like a teambuilding excercise, minus the teambuilding. afterwards there was some clay. I took a few pictures, after a few min, they asked me if I could send them the pictures. I then took more pictures :P I love candid shots. something about shooting people in their natural state excites me. It's hard to get really good shots. I've gone through probably 2000 pictures and really liked 2 shots fo people. one was last night. I'm very tired of the same type of shot. especially when you look into the average photo album in my family. it's people standing in front of some landmark. almost like they're taking a picture to prove that they were there.
I love sitting in the lobby. it's just such a nice area to sit in with lots of fresh air and cooler than indoors. plus I get visitors!! aoh pwei(black skin) & mimi. two dogs that seem to be strays and have been abused, but they have a home, they just roam where they want. I'm starting to grow on them, they like visiting me and saying hi. some of it could be my aunt, she feeds them. they took me for a walk...

11/17/2010 9:48:00 PM

