About Me


forgetful me

it's always funny. when I want to write my mind draws a blank, when I don't feel like writing, I remember what I wanted to write and then think... oh I still remember I'll write later...

Mood: sigh... ken ken ken... why??

2/23/2011 8:58:00 AM


weekend of injuries

let me see... I got caught on a nail board we use to hang car keys on as I was walking by. leaving an inch scratch. I think the more interesting one is the one I got on my nose. the mechanic I was working with was using a blowtorch underneath a car to remove some exhaust pipe since it's really rusty. there was some excess oil, so of course it would catch fire. he blew it out. and with it, a hot ember landed on my nose. I didn't smell the hint of burned flesh right away. when I did I brushed it off... it landed on the back of my hand, still hot enough to burn. it's just a small speck like a large grain of sand. This morning after I brushed my teeth, I picked up maxie, of course, one of her favorite things is mint... if she smells it, she'll go after it. she'll go as far as to grab UR face with her paws. apparently... the last time I cut her claws. I missed one. you want to know why? see the mark on my cheek?? ya... the last mark I got, I went to my dad's shop and one of the mechanics would help me on his day off to do some major work. the valve cover to a 2000 accord has these screws where putting on a gasket for them is a pain. I pushed so hard that my palm had a mild bruise. when I first looked at it, I couldn't help but to think of a stigmata.

Location: north brunswick

2/20/2011 10:54:12 PM


short story... got someone in trouble

long story... so I was rotating tires of a car. and noticed that someone wiped off the salt and used a permanent marker and quickly filled in a circle. I figured, that someone would do that to make sure we rotated the tires. I understand that mechanics are ones that can be dishonest, but my father's shop is one of the few honest places to go to. so when we were done rotating the tires I decided to mark the rear tires. I drew a smiley on one. and a pentagram on the other. when the customer came to pickup the car. he came back in and said that we didn't rotate the tires. the guy that was handling the customers that day knew what I did but pretended he didn't know. but he told the customer that we have security cameras and he could verify it by looking at the video.

Mood: muhahaha!!
Location: north brunswick

2/14/2011 4:23:35 PM


one more thing...

I forgot to mention... pretty much every visit to my site gets tracked through google analytics. it gives me info about who visits my site. city where they're from, page they were before, screen resolution, version of flash they have, browser, os. lots of info. I think it's hilarious that I've seen is that someone went to my website by searching yahoo for 'ken-liao.com' ya...

Mood: speechless by the search keyword
Location: the internets

2/4/2011 1:17:34 AM


random events

I did a semi spur of a moment trip to VA. my sister is moving to san fran, and there's furniture that she isn't going to take with her. I got new to me furniture. a couch, bookcase, desk, kitchen chairs.

I met some of mme's friends during a chinese new year's gathering. I feel out of place with everyone speaking chinese. on the bright side, I'm able to pickout more words than before. but most of it is still lost on me. I had fun, we wrapped dumplings. LOTS and LOTS of dumplings. everyone's surprised that I'm able to wrap them. I think that they liked me. from the little I spent with them, they seem good so far. one does bug me. shallow, all she cares about is looks and status. some of it could be because she's young, and hasn't come to realize that looks fade, status can change. how U get along with someone is worth so much more. that's just me. maybe she'll get what she wants and be happy.

word gets out that I kno how to fix computers. I don't especially like having that information come out at work for some reason. but it did, and I don't like saying no to helping others, so I took a look. the original problem that was explained to me, is that his computer would freeze and randomly shutdown. he was originally going to bring it to me to have a look, but he took it to a computer repair place. the tech said that it couldn't be turned on. possibly video card? I can never give a definite answer as to what an issue is without seeing it first. I got a POST code for the cpu being bad. I took off the fan, only to reveal that the plastic housing broke. leaving less pressure on the cpu to take away the heat. so in theory... it overheated and caused the freezing issues he faced. I lost all faith in cooler master as an after market cooler.

it's been... 4 years? since I last wore a watch? today, I thought I would wear mine that I found. with technology, there's no point to wear a watch. especially for me, between cellphone, itouch, and computers every 20 feet. not to mention the wall clock, stove clock, coffee pot clock, microwave clock all on one side of my kitchen... all I have to say is that it's weird wearing one again.

Mood: a little sore from moving

2/4/2011 1:08:14 AM

