About Me

short story... got someone in trouble

long story... so I was rotating tires of a car. and noticed that someone wiped off the salt and used a permanent marker and quickly filled in a circle. I figured, that someone would do that to make sure we rotated the tires. I understand that mechanics are ones that can be dishonest, but my father's shop is one of the few honest places to go to. so when we were done rotating the tires I decided to mark the rear tires. I drew a smiley on one. and a pentagram on the other. when the customer came to pickup the car. he came back in and said that we didn't rotate the tires. the guy that was handling the customers that day knew what I did but pretended he didn't know. but he told the customer that we have security cameras and he could verify it by looking at the video.

Mood: muhahaha!!
Location: north brunswick

2/14/2011 4:23:35 PM

