About Me

weekend of injuries

let me see... I got caught on a nail board we use to hang car keys on as I was walking by. leaving an inch scratch. I think the more interesting one is the one I got on my nose. the mechanic I was working with was using a blowtorch underneath a car to remove some exhaust pipe since it's really rusty. there was some excess oil, so of course it would catch fire. he blew it out. and with it, a hot ember landed on my nose. I didn't smell the hint of burned flesh right away. when I did I brushed it off... it landed on the back of my hand, still hot enough to burn. it's just a small speck like a large grain of sand. This morning after I brushed my teeth, I picked up maxie, of course, one of her favorite things is mint... if she smells it, she'll go after it. she'll go as far as to grab UR face with her paws. apparently... the last time I cut her claws. I missed one. you want to know why? see the mark on my cheek?? ya... the last mark I got, I went to my dad's shop and one of the mechanics would help me on his day off to do some major work. the valve cover to a 2000 accord has these screws where putting on a gasket for them is a pain. I pushed so hard that my palm had a mild bruise. when I first looked at it, I couldn't help but to think of a stigmata.

Location: north brunswick

2/20/2011 10:54:12 PM

