About Me


little kids are fun to mess with

I hate punk ass kids that give people a hard time. one gave my girlfriend shit that she was going to a club without me. my stance is, I have a phobia (irrational fear) being around strangers, touching me, dancing. yes I can put up with it, but if I have a choice to avoid it I will. since I feel that way, why should I let my girlfriend be held back by my issue? so one guy wanted to give her a hard time and say, something along the lines of "we should call ken and see what he has to say" we had a talk a few hrs before, and I told her as long as she lets me kno what happens, and she doesn't go home with anyone, we're good. she told him, go ahead, he backed off. prime example of what really irks me.

I told my g/f the way to handle someone like that, is to call them out & they'll back off right away. she saw it, and I've seen it lots of times. I was told by my ex, that I'm the type of person that if I see someone that pushes the limits, I'll push back and go further.

I was leaving, walking down the stairs from their apt, and he said "give me a kiss goodnight" well... he said wanted a kiss... and knowing that personality, I went back up and pushed the door open, and tried to kiss him. every time I came closer, he would back away. we went through almost the whole apartment, until he was cornered in the hallway. and he still resisted. one look at my girlfriend and I knew she understood that I was pushing him past his limit.

this inadvertently comes to my theories about the average guy's perception about gays. they think it's like a disease that they can catch, that if they do anything remotely gay, it would turn them gay too. or. they're too vain in other's perception of their manliness that it would be too big of a hit to their ego to do something like that. I don't kno if it's because I'm older than my girlfriend's peers, or I'm confident in who I am, or that I don't care too much about people's opinion of me from people I don't really know. I am who I am, and I'm happy with it. so I'm ok with kissing another guy on a cheek. maybe it's that I don't have shame...

Mood: I got shot down in front of 10 people and my all my girlfriend did was laugh at me!! :P
Location: highland park, nj

5/28/2011 8:30:23 PM


end of a legacy

I've tried to escape my father's business, for the past 20 years I've been dragged there kicking and screaming. especially when you put into the eyes of a 9 year old kid, to just go out and play. instead I've been subject to hard work, covered in grease, different degrees of injuries. today he's making arrangements for the business to be sold. if you asked me 20 years ago, I would've jumped for joy at the news, no more work, more playtime. but now that I'm older, I realized that it's helped to shape me into a person that has a strong work ethic. I've learned skills to help me to fix almost anything. it gave me the foundation to quickly learn other skills. without the business, everything that we have might not be there. I would probably end up a spoiled, unappreciative and selfish person. now that it's gone, I'll miss it.

as for my father, I'm worried about him. he doesn't know how to relax, he works 5 12hr days, 1 8hr a week. with that huge chunk of time given back to him, I don't know what he'll do with himself. no hobbies, no real interests. I don't really know what to help.

the existing staff will still be there. which is great since I've known them for a very long time. they've watched me grow up, so they're like family. me being there is iffy, I was only there because my dad asked me to be there, no real education with cars. I do have a plan for if I'm officially laid off from working saturdays.

Mood: sad, happy, worried
Location: raj's garage formerly kon-tai auto repair

5/17/2011 5:00:50 PM


going camera crazy

I've been wanting to get a new digital slr for the longest time. pretty much ever since video mode came out for them. I'm happy with my canon rebel xt, it's a great starter camera. I'll miss it. I never made a final decision between canon and nikon. so I never spent money in lenses, which really makes or breaks pictures at times. I did get extra batteries and memory cards since I got a good deal. what really sent me over the edge recently is looking at my uncle's d90. the pictures came out with brighter colors.

with that I ordered a nikon d7000. I've immersed myself in reviews, comparisons, I think it'll be a good fit. and it's official. I ordered an extra lens too! so I'll be going the nikon route.

I'm hoping that I can sell my trusty rebel xt. it's been great.

Mood: I'm excited about a new camera but sad I'm selling my old one...

5/1/2011 11:46:08 PM


stuck between a rock & a hard place

people always say don't bring ur excess baggage into a relationship.. They also say learn something from each relationship. A situation came up where those 2 ideals come together.

Mood: paranoia setting in...

4/19/2011 2:29:18 PM


too bad I didn't check out the cabs while I was in dc...

end of the story... threw up.

as for the rest of the story...
a friend invited me to washington dc to look at cherry blossoms. I love photography, so of course!! unfortunately, as the day came closer the forecast looked worse and worse. but I'm always determined to make the best of any situation I'm in. in total there was about 11 people that went.

friday night, after work, 2 people showed up, I'm supposed to be the one driving them down. it wasn't too eventful, other than some nerdy conversations, and streets & trips 2009 just sucking at the end. a few U-Es and google maps on my phone, we got to our destination ok. we met up with one person that was here already, had dinner. everyone else arrived sometime after midnight.

sat, wasn't such a great day. cold, rainy. we started off at the lincoln monument. after we were done, it started to rain. everyone was rushing up the steps trying to use the building as cover. it was packed! well except for the back. I definitely had a day after tomorrow moment. why is it that people just cram in the front? there was empty in the back. later on the afternoon, we had some breaks of sunshine. it was pretty much walking along, and taking pictures, wash rinse repeat. we got to the end of the walking path, when the rain came down harder. as much as we warned the dawdlers to hurry up, that the dark clouds were coming, they kept their pace. hail came down, it kept us dryer, but still cold. we took shelter under a bridge to try to find a restaurant to eat. we had lunch at potbelly, even with everyone in the restaurant, people were still iffy in staying. it's hard to keep 11 people happy at the same time. a little bit of a break back in the hotel, then an alcohol run. it's convenient to have beer & wine in a grocery store. but finding tequila is a little tricky. doesn't help not knowing the roads. as for dinner, we went to chili's to get a special deal on parking, only 1 car was able to go in and out freely, so we were ferried in 3 trips.

so after everyone was ferried back we got our drink on. we played kings. I had fun. it wasn't as severe as the halloween incident of '10 I had 3 beers and some tequila shots to finish. I was a little disappointed. it always looked fun, but it wasn't all as it was cracked up. some of it was issues with our limes, they were super hard and the plastic knife had problems going straight through. the party kinda went south when one person threw up. I was concerned, I could see white while she was asleep. I never slept around her, so it could be normal.

in the morning I was greeted by a huge headache. and that vomity feeling. I tried hard to throw up, they were rubbing my back and everything. I was worried about throwing up while driving home, so I decided to induce it. but the headache was relentless.

on the way home, I felt really sleepy, so I thought I'd take a nap at a rest stop. I heard a car next to mine, the parents were yelling at the kids, they were a little close. and a big heffer opened the back door and my passenger and I felt the car move. the earthquake I felt in taiwan was less than this girl opening the door! I didn't see any damage.

Mood: good times, good people. I just miss dictatorship sometimes, democracy takes too much time!
Location: dc

4/10/2011 6:44:45 PM

