About Me


"everytime I turn around

I hear good things about you." that's what one of my bosses said to me yesterday. it's a great thing being recognized. of course for some reason I feel awkward after walking back with her. I feel like I should say something other than thanks...

Mood: I'm not a big fan of compliments for some reason. I just don't kno how to react...
Location: work

8/19/2011 11:06:29 PM


i'm surrounded by weird things...

i kno that my cat loves mint... but now she loves lime too!!

Mood: hehe so cute. so weird

8/11/2011 4:41:37 PM


Visions in my head

I have an idea for a video. It's been playing in my head for a week now. I really want to make it into a reality. There's some things that I require I got a video camera yesterday. I need 3 actors, 2 girls 1 guy. Yup I've already gone there it's not a porno... Get ur head out of the gutter!! So far no definite casting yet. All my friends don't want to be in it. I kno myself. I won't stop until I get most of it done. I'm obsessing about it enough...

Mood: Is it so much to ask for 3 good looking people??
Location: Scouting possible locations...

8/9/2011 10:34:42 PM


I remember...

I've done this a lot recently...
past stuff I've looked at:

idk why I've looked at some of my old stuff... apparently I'm nostalgic for something...

Mood: (sigh) the good old days...

7/27/2011 10:53:28 PM


must... fight... urge to..... spend!!

well since I've been getting more and more into photography, it's hard not to get into wanting to spend on equipment. 1 lens can cost more than what I spent for my whole camera!

I kind of found it pointless to keep my targus tripod since it can't hold the weight of my new camera. buckling under the extra weight, it leans ever so slightly. ok quite a bit. so it's time for a replacement. what I loved about that tripod is that it's small & lightweight. nothing can ever compare to it in that respect. I stumbled across this. it fits all the requirements that I want, plus, trows in a few extras. but, I'm not entirely happy with it, especially the tripod head. I did buy some other things to make it better for me. I just can't leave things alone that bug me... I installed a new release plate, the existing one took too long to get off and on. it did have non standard screws, which took some tools to work around. In the end. it's almost what I want.

for me to be fully happy, I think I'd have to replace both the head and legs. but now that I have a base, I can buy the two parts again slowly.

next big purchase... a new lens. time to start saving...

Mood: I want to go out more to shoot!! plus more $ to buy more equip!!

7/27/2011 10:49:30 PM

