About Me

i've been working out...

after last night's revelation, i feel like this giant weight is off my shoulders!! of course breakups suck. but i don't feel sad over losing her. i feel like i can move forward. still not ready to date. so i have to leave my crush as what it is... just a crush... it's unfortunate she's really cute & great to talk to.

Mood: feeling strong. getting back in the swing of things

11/9/2010 10:52:11 AM


You don't feel sad after a break up? Then Maybe that is why you lost her. You bitch and wine about everything and how someone stole ur girl. Take a step back get your head out of the toilet and think why it all happened. You talked about all this but not once I read , maybe it was my fault, maybe I didn't treat her better, maybe you wasn't there for her.. Gee I can go on and on. Be a man and take some responsibility. If u don't have any feelings like being sad and heart broken over this then get over it player!!

11/9/2010 12:26:10 PM

Heartbreak Kid

Waddups ,

Came across your page and checking out these logs. Dude you got to get over her. If she broke up with you for some reason,then apparently you didnt do the right thing. Shit happens and why bother whining about it. Just go out and enjoy your life. Dude was harry potter gay when he touch your chest? Did he make your pain feel a little better :) Take it from me,im the Heartbreak Kid . Peace out kid.

11/9/2010 12:50:53 PM


well "Sexy" I left a lot of things out. I was too upset to tell the whole story, since it would just reopen the wounds. I've pretty much been crying for the past month. my friends and my ex would tell U that I've been hurt by the whole thing. I've done everything I can to try to be with her and make her happy again. I told her "I'll do whatever it takes to make it work" I'm not the type to make empty promises either. I made one mistake with her. in my opinion, it's a difference in values of how we were raised. my sister saw no problem with it, my friends that I talked to saw no problem with it. her mom and the rest of her family saw a problem and they told her to break up with me. I do take responsability for what happened. I asked to meet with her mom even though I'm terrified that she hates me. but, all the pain that I've felt from the last meeting with her opened my eyes. looking back, I treated her really well. after the breakup I still treated her well (better than can be expected from getting my heart shock & awed.)

as for "Heartbreak", I'm not the typical guy. I'm not wired to move from girl to girl. I actually feel like shit that I have a crush on someone. to me, it isn't right. I belive U should be completely over the one U were with before starting a new relationship. well harry potter didn't grope me and I'm greatful for that!! just tapped it. after the initial shock of having my personal bubble invaded... I look back and it's just a funny thing that happend. it helped me to laugh... so in a way... it did take some of the pain away :P

thanks for leaving comments. I'm going to move on and try not to make the same mistake again. that's all I can hope for. I'm going to cherish the memories created with her, and leave it at that.

11/9/2010 6:04:30 PM


i'm glad you have found some resolution and are ready to move on. that's the most important part, knowing that you have done as much as you could and have put yourself out there. no regrets, no wishing that you could have done more.

you didn't make a mistake. it just wasn't meant to be, and hearing that you were so replaceable just confirms it. stay true to your values and what's important to you.

11/11/2010 9:48:10 PM


yup I did everything I could, I offered everything to her. she still chose not to be with me. as for her... she e-stalks me. she said that she checks my facebook, I set it so friends of friends can read my stuff. and I see her checking my blog almost every day. she'll be stuck wondering about me since I offered so much, and now that I'm changing from her complaints about me. she'll REALLY wonder if she made the right decision.

11/18/2010 6:49:16 AM


Cl you full of shit sorry Ken but you should always try harder. U learn from 1 relationship to another. Stop the bull crap about what u did. Ask urself what she really wanted from u. Money? Fame? Sex? Or just plain you? cL stop comforting him about u didn't make a mistake. What relationship is perfect? We all screw up! Hopefully we learn from our pass, if u never feel u need to run harder for the bus u'll never catch up. There's people that comfort themselves by saying I did what can. And the stronger ones that don't give up n try harder. If you truly believe she's still stalking u then y is she not with u? Stop the mind games with urself. We can feel sorry for u but what will that do? U don't have to say I was wrong. Just learn from the relationship n grow to be better. If u feel you don't need to grow or u the best then by all means sit in ur closet n don't come out into the real world.

12/2/2010 7:56:04 PM

