About Me

recovering alcoholic...

friday night was a mixed blessing... I had a lot of fun. but it's the first and hopefully the last time I get drunk. going into it I told a few friends, "the answer is at the bottom of the glass. and it's holding out on me"... looking back a little bit of alcohol in me was a good thing. it helped me be more outgoing, and able to loosen up.

everyone liked my tony stark costume that I made from 4 days of soldering. of course I showed a few people the costume. it was directly stuck to my chest w/ double sided tape... ... ... ya... the weirdest had to have been harry potter randomly touching my chest. no introductions... just... touch... after being introduced to someone I don't mind people touching it. it's not everyday that you see something like that in the first place.

I met some new people. one person caught my eye. even with the breakup semi fresh in my head... I did things that I wouldn't normally do. dance!! ya typically it involves some sort of pleading. but for some reason... I just did it. it was fun. a little uncomfortable... since I feel so awkward.. but I made the most of it!! I was also comforting a friend who went through a rough breakup. I feel kind of bad that I left her alone. a few pictures were taken showing off my costume. I kind of don't want everyone to see... but unfortunately I can't control what others do.

The aftermath was a bit scary. reminds me of the prodigy - smack my bitch up music video. minus the surprise ending. I threw up in the lounge on a sofa. that's when I was kicked out of the place. thank god it wasn't on anyone! and none got on me! out in the street I was in a corner on all fours throwing up a little more... a little cold. but my friends were there to give me a lending hand. it took a bit for them to get my jacket. of course I was apologizing the whole time.. "sorry for getting kicked out" blah blah blah.. walking more... I had to throw up again. this time on the ramp on the corner of the sidewalk. some got on my pants and shoes. in the hotel I landed in the shower. I have no idea how. I guess it was easy for me to throw up more in there. and don't have to worry about missing a sink/toilet. just run the water... and clean!! I actually asked them to turn on the shower w/ me in it... AND my clothes ON!! remember the vomit on my pants... rinsed off!! I was seriously thinking that too!! I stripped to my boxers and they put some towels on me... and I passed out in the shower...

woke up a little damp and in a lot of pain... there was a point where I was heaving and nothing was coming out!! so to help settle my stomach... I thought water would be good... but apparently it was just something for me to throw up... I spent the rest of the morning in a sleepy daze. and too afraid to put anything in my stomach.

overall me drunk isn't TOO much different than sober me... obviously the standard drunk characteristics... slow reaction time, not able to walk in a straight line... just more open to doing things. then again I want to change myself. so I would probably still do it. just not as comfortably...

Mood: mixed feelings all around...

11/1/2010 2:08:04 AM

