About Me

can't live w/ them... can't afford a house w/o them...

well I have to go and cook dinner for my father... he works really hard to provide for us.. sacrificing a lot... now as I get older I appreciate what he did for us... and a lot of his qualities rubbed off on me... which is a good thing... but somehow I'll still whine and complain cooking for him.. I'm a little tired from working... I don't have a blue collar job like him... but for some reason w/ my job I'm stressed and tired... more and more projects are put on my shoulders... I kind of like it... I love that sense of... wtf?? how am I going to do that??and being able to do something and put together something from nothing. recently the job has gotten kind of mundane.. there's also the impending doom of possibly losing my job... and the upshot that no matter how hard I work... no matter how many good things people say about me... it doesn't mean squat... since the factors of the layoffs are how many years U work there and what position U have... and you wonder why the state is in a deficit...

yes the house.. I'm still waiting for the mortgage to be accepted... once it is... I'll have a closing date and then I can move... start fresh... I kind of have a nomadic feel though... I always have a craving to move out after a year or 2...

the best thing going for me right now is porccu who has been on my mind a lot... I get to see her this weekend :D

Mood: can't sit still... want to see porccu!!

4/25/2009 3:17:38 AM

