About Me

screw it

the lack of updates well... I kno that some parties read my blog every now and then... I've been hesitant to write about some major life changes. why should I hold something back? it's disturbing that after all this time my personal life would effect someone that I've moved on from. the past 2 months have been pretty eventful.

last month, started the process to buy a house. yes, I might lose my job soon with the talk of cutting thousands of jobs across the state. sadly it doesn't matter how important you are to others, what matters is how long you've worked and what position you are at. I have backup plans either way... "only when U've lost everything are you free to do anything"

I forced myself to be alone. mostly to heal, also not to rush into anything... I find myself thinking of porccu, short for porcupine, throughout the day (as with all the nicknames I give people, it has a meaning). for the first time in a long time I'm happy.

Mood: poke poke

4/22/2009 4:58:39 PM


ok yes... my thoughts are a little scattered... I have a meeting in 1 min..

4/22/2009 4:59:32 PM

