About Me

private matters...

things happened to me. I'm still waiting to see how it plays out. that's part of the lack of updates.

BUT I'll post some links...

I've wanted to post this one for a LONG time.. a video game LEAD him kill his parents... B/S!! that's why kids should have pets and be hit. so they know the pain of death and the pain of inflicting pain on others.
video game violence

I've had problems w/ my 500gb drives too.. right now they have a 133% fail rate... 3 drives... RMA 4 times... thank goodness for raid5
backup UR backup drive

I'd want a 40"+ version of #5, #3 & #2 I should start to save up money now huh?
toys to look forward to in 09

I love superhero stuff. my sister remembers the superman thing... we'd do the same thing to our dog :P
superman vs. dark knight

a plan B to my magnet revenge when someone cuts me off!!
speed trap

I know this is a little morbid, but I like it when people die when they're dumb like this.

oldie, but a goodie I wonder how she knows, personal experience? I think the grandmother is good b/c she takes out her dentures??
comeon! toshi! comeon!

what would U do?

I first saw the matrix ping pong but I like this one better domestic dispute

for some reason arthur keeps saying "that's gay" I don't know why it bothers me that much, but it does. I mean what does something not work right, or something doesn't have a feature have to do w/ being gay? I stumbled onto a jap tv show segment called "hard gay" I'm laughin my ass off!! more of the... OMG, how can he get away w/ that... now THAT'S GAY!!

Mood: trying not to lose hope

1/18/2009 3:33:54 PM

