About Me

part 2 a little alcohol never hurt anyone...

so got ready and got there @ 5... perfect since that's when it's supposed to start!! of course I was the unofficial photographer. part of the reason why I bought a DSLR. so I won't take VIDEO!! (I sooooo prefer pictures) It was pretty fun... I had a few drinks.. it made the night so much easier to deal with. my mom would call me every few min to make sure that I'm taking pictures.

it's always nice to see some of my extended family that I don't normally see. lots of family members showed up!!

for me it was a little uncomfortable with dr wong on stage... our family doesn't really talk about sex... besides... who wants to kno their family member's business?!?!

I learned that the women on my mother's side... are like FISHES!! I don't think I saw that many pictures of them w/o a drink!!

throughout the night people were pressuring me to go to nyc.. since I was up since 6 and worked at my dad's shop, I wasn't really up to it... but I gave in to the peer pressure. I left my car at the restaurant and headed off to apple.

one of the highlights had to have been my cousin saying that she would go to nyc if I did... normally I wouldn't go... since I'm not a big fan of heavy drinking... and I was up really early... but her ass got dragged out b/c of me... muhahahahahaha!!

coming up... pictures... I'll post when they're up.. upon the request of my sister... they'll be password protected... till then I'm spending lots of time with lightroom b/c the pictures came up kinda dark... so lots of touch ups are needed.

Mood: definately feelin it...
Location: sunny palace

11/8/2008 1:30:59 AM

