About Me

I've never wanted to kick a fictional character's ass more than I do today...

I need to free up hard drive space, because well... I d/l a lot of crap. I d/l anime from fansub groups and if I happen to see completed series I will d/l them as well. before I burn I usually like to watch to make sure that the quality is good. I thought watching School Days was ok, I mean... look at the title!! it's supposed to remind you of UR time in school!! and the pictures that you see... smiling happy faces!! it started innocently enough. guy is shy and likes a girl, tries to get girl. and as a little help along the way. but it slowly snowballs to humpty dumpty.. it just goes to show the worst of people.

I'm easily influenced by movies. I usually feel empathy for people. especially the longer the show runs... you see them at their weakest most private moments, they seem like they're a part of your life. half an hour at a time... which is why it was so painful for me to finish it... I see a little bit of myself in the characters... the pain of an unrequited love. the whole time I had anxiety watching it. it's definitely one of the hardest thing to do emotionally...

it was based off of a video game, I think I would've found it funny to screw up people's lives like that. but watching the anime... it disturbed me. not the ending, which is pretty disturbing in it's own right, it incorporated a lot of the bad endings in the vid game that I seen on youtube. but the fact that the guy had wishywashy feelings all the way through and had to hump everyone in sight... if I were on the receiving end of that it would hurt a lot. just seeing that makes me want to throw up... it's something totally against how I was brought up. but that's just me. I'm sure there are PLENTY of people who would disagree w/ me...

now I'm in the mood to watch something not so depressing... so hopefully I'll find something like that to watch!! the last psychological anime was SHUFFLE! at lest it had some humor in the mix!! I liked that one more in comparison. at least that one had a happy ending.

Mood: "nice boat" (google it)

9/29/2008 9:12:25 PM

