About Me

I almost crapped my pants...

like the computer nerd I am I didn't buy an ipod. just the sheer THOUGHT of me buying one w/ a 2" screen and only be able to play about 10% of the movies I have. OR pay $300 for 16gis and 10% movie playback. I got a cowon a3 I'm able to play 70% of my stuff and use 60gigs of space!! this past weekend I went to va, and hooked it up to my sister's mac to transfer some movies. of course in pure mac fashion, it creates their little file in every folder you go into (mac users won't see them on their hard drives) but when you bring it to windows and enable it to show hidden files... the .ds_store files are shown. which bothers me seeing them since they're of no use to me on my pc, and eats up space on my player. I didn't realize the os was in a folder called .System... so I got rid of it too since it had a . before the name... oops... so when I started the payer again... it came up w/ a black screen and an error message... F-ME!! I do remember that you can re-flash the system. so I did that and everything was restored... kinda... my settings had to be redone... but a small price to pay for a potentially BIG screw up!! TAKE THAT IPOD!!

9/27/2008 7:12:10 AM

