About Me

one small step..

since I had the day off I had some plans.
1:go to the bank, cash the rebate I had from something I bought.
2:go buy some water and food (I kno I sound like a snob, but I don't like the taste of tap water. even tho it's safer. and more economical and environmentally friendly to drink tap.
3:go to the junk yard to start my little seat.

OF course... since I have the day off, the bank was closed. got some water and some food. and when I got to the junk yard... well... there was junk... not much to go on. I didn't want leather, or a motorized seat. I spent $30 on a leather seat. not what I had in mind, but it was the best looking seat that wasn't excessively dirty or the car didn't make me want to vomit when I stuck my head in it... I'm not a big fan of leather, but I can always put a cover on it or something. we'll see how it works out from here.

I've been playing racing games again. I'm noticing that I'm A LOT more calm when I'm driving down the road. I think it's b/c I have it out of my system by the time I hit the road...

Mood: 2:3 not bad.

10/13/2008 1:49:31 PM

