About Me

U can tell I love doing this stuff

so I got everything together, grabbed my laptop (my programming machine, ironic for a hardware junkie but it works), usb drive, iron man and I went to my living room and started to program. as I type away on my laptop half watching and half programing, I was able to finish BEFORE the end of the 1:54 min movie!! I have to give some credit tho... I started to think beforehand. I originally planned on doing something like this a while ago. there just wasn't a major reason... until now...

SO... some statistics...
#comments:3322 (mostly in entry 11 & 12)
file size:24mb

file size:350kb
ip's blocked:198
new pages:2 (they aren't hosted, they'll be on my laptop)

thanks for all the pseudo hackers that posted. U made my comments a little more secure... but not by much...

Mood: hope U like google!!

10/10/2008 7:43:33 PM


added ANOTHER new feature. which counts how many times they try to post since the update. I'm such a nerd, I kno. plus I'm kinda curious.

10/11/2008 5:10:37 PM


seeing if changing the comment file name will do any better.

10/13/2008 2:59:45 PM

