About Me

why me!!

I keep getting calls from this one college Burlington County College it's an automated telephone message saying what current events are happening at the college. Even IF I WAS part of the school I would like the calls to stop. I called the number back, of course there's several hundred extensions it could be. Last time I got transferred about 3 times. I left a message, come to think of it... I haven't heard anything back!! this time... same deal. operator was like... wtf are U talking about?? so I left several emails and about 3 phone messages. There's something to be said about REAL ad companies... at least they OFFER some way to be removed, hitting a button, talking to the operator... isn't it a federal law? I can't remember... if there is, it might not fall in that category. (sigh)

Mood: fuck the fucking fuckers...

10/8/2008 8:48:33 PM


are you on the do not call list?


apparently my number was listed as a student's home number

