About Me

I'm such a pack rat

I guess I'm a little bit in the mood for cleaning. after fixing up dave's alienware computer my place is a little bit of a mess. but for some reason I was in the mood to clean out my wallet. I swear it's half the size! old business cards, old IDs, I mean who needs their drivers license from 10 years ago!?! and their school IDs!?! so right now it's at the bare minimum. active driver's license, credit card, debit card, bank acct# card (by the time I memorized my old one I had to transfer it to a diff one), insurance cards, blockbuster card and what little money I have... the rest is sitting on my dresser. I need a new wallet... the leather on this one is stretched out form all that stuff!!

9/29/2008 9:22:04 PM

