About Me


it's my first run with my tripod. a few of us went to a zoo in flushing. of course someone got me all paranoid that I would have to pay 200-300 for a permit to use it in nyc. it turned out to be nothing, only if I were to block part of the street or involving a vehicle. touristy stuff... I'm good. it's good to know tho in those rare cases. just like the tsa photo policy. I didn't use it, even after prepping it with a jury rigged quick release plate & black rapid hook. but it's a good trial on me carrying a fully loaded bag and a heavier camera, heavier tripod, extra lens. it wasn't too bad weight wise. I'm a little disappointed in a lot of the pictures, I'm trying to use more manual settings, that extra time for me to check and adjust the settings helped me miss some shots. plus I tend not to wait for the shutter to close especially since it was a downpour in the middle of our outing making things darker.

I've wanted to shoot raw before switching cameras, but I was always concerned about storage space & writing speed of my old camera. and watching videos from fro knows photo it kind of pushed me over the edge to really shoot raw, it helped me out in a lot of shots since, and yesterday even more with poor lighting.

for a while I've realized that I love people's expressions that they have, it's always so interesting to just people watch. which is part of the reason why I love candid shots. I think I've gone over the family photos before. my sister loves my mom's reaction when she hears the word picture, she stops to heard everyone to line up in front of something.

it's great that I'm using my camera more. on my server, I put my pictures into folders by date, in 2009 there's only 4 dates that I have folders in. 2010 would be the same if it weren't for the taiwan trip spanning multiple days. this year, it's used at least once a month.

Mood: there's something about capturing that one moment...
queens zoo

7/25/2011 11:15:58 PM

