About Me

wild ride

I looked back at my website it was very simple, it STILL IS simple. 3 years, not much has changed. a lot of the backend stuff changed drastically over the years. allowing comments, to even my own custom captcha. it's easy to hack, but I'm small enough under the radar that not many people would care. I have the apple security mentality.

while I was at it, I looked at the history of visitors. 900 over the 3 year span. a lot of the spikes I see come from some sort of eventful moments in my life. only cause I have the urge to write more. note to self... more readers if you write about high level drama. I remember seeing regulars here and there. and some people I'm guessing I kno pop up every few months.

the best thing had to be my sister, saying "U told me" referring to something I wrote in my blog. close enough... kinda

7/17/2011 6:11:38 PM

