About Me


someone told me that I don't kno the feeling of power. she was talking about a person at work who, if you requested any equipment from him, he wouldn't give it to you. he'll look at what your title is, and give out hardware accordingly. she asked him for an lcd monitor instead of a crt that she was given, he said no. she said that this guy is on a power trip, that he wanted to feel superior to others. I've run into him before, he leaves a bad impression on me for other reasons. almost everyone I talk to, he's thought of negatively. something about not helping others is foreign to me. and that's why she said that to me. I DO understand the concept of power, but I have a completely different view on what do do with it. if you're strong you should help the others that aren't. I know for a fact that he has a few sitting around, not being used. within 20 minutes of her asking, I was able to provide one for her, without raiding his supplies either.

I have the power to help, I have the know how & the resources to do something. why not? what is the point of a monitor just sitting there not being used?

I don't kno if it's all the superhero things that I idolized as a kid, or the sense of justice, or just doing a good job. it's what I've become. don't get me wrong, I'm no saint. I see a bum, I'm walking right past ignoring them. some stranger comes up to me, 98% I won't help. if I kno the person, it's the opposite.

in other news: I want to take my posts on xanga and integrate them here. so things dating ALL the way back to 2002. ya I'm nuts. what can I say.

Mood: why do that to URself?
Location: wort wort wort

6/30/2011 8:19:15 PM

