About Me

more popular than I thought

today at walmart, someone stopped me.
"you look familiar, do I kno U"
I guess I have one of those faces. walked away. I always get caught off guard by things that are out of the norm. so I just stand there like a deer in the headlights.

more community channel stalking, and I'm just picturing a youtube video about how it would be done... ya when I get into something I tend to immerse myself aka go crazy. I did record a vlog, too cheesy. I want to redo it. and I'm super picky, so I'll keep redoing it too. which is why I never did it in the first place. plus if I look at myself for too long, I'll want to throw up.

Mood: uhhh... what just happened?
Location: princeton walmart.

6/27/2011 10:55:26 PM


so ya, it's a random guy named amir

6/28/2011 12:54:06 AM

