About Me

shocking situation

I got a shock today....

no really... a shock...
from a camera flash capacitor...

kinda made my arms tingle for a few min...

and this is why...
so at work one of the managers in my group has been cleaning out the tech closet. he's pulled out more old things than I thought possible. laptops that are about 8 years old. digicams that are so old sony mavica digicam that takes floppy disks. not even memory sticks... ya... old. we're talking the homo habilis of digicams. I think that my new dslr camera body is smaller than that. and there was a handful of 35mm FILM cameras.

so, I haven't gotten too many assignments, so I thought I'd take apart one of the mavicas, it was broken anyway. it was stored without a lens cap and something smashed into it with enough force where the lens was sitting crooked. and the floppy wouldn't eject the disk of who knows how long it's been there. every little piece inside is out. I put it back together, and charged some 10 year old battery to find out if it can still work after disassembly. and hey! look at that! still works. so I dismantle the whole thing again. and I wasn't paying attention and hit the capacitor for the flash. bzzzzzzt both hands made contact so it went up both arms.

I've been watching lots of videos from comunity channel she's hilarious! it makes me want to start a vlog. it seems fun and interesting. plus I'm very sarcastic in my daily speach, it doesn't really carry over through text. unless you know me, then I pretty much type how I talk. this post even is one of those... start off excited, then you start to mumble the embarrassing parts. then UR almost silent at the end.

Mood: maybe. I did start flickr to augment galleries. maybe youtube to augment some of the posts. like how I use this blog to augment some of my facebook. wow they're all connecting. trippy...

6/21/2011 11:29:58 PM

