About Me

homeward bound

I'm moving back home. no, it's not that I can't afford my place, on the contrary. I've been doing lots of money saving things, paying off credit cards, refinancing my mortgage, as well as doing a stellar job at work. my father retired, him and my mom plan to live between jersey & taiwan. he wanted me to move back home to keep an eye on the place. that of course means I'll be moving out, since no one will be here. I'll rent out my townhouse. I have a room that is being rented out now. it'll be weird having other people live in my house...

unfortunately my idea of renting out a room at my parent's house is squashed. it is their house after all. I just figured that it would be a good way to pay for maintaining the place. and maybe help me keep the place a little cleaner since I'm a slob and she's a bit of a neat freak. I feel bad tho, since she can't afford her place anymore, a good tenant candidate. but I live 40 minutes away. on top of the fact that in the morning, traffic will be heavy adding time to it too. so I told her my place will be her plan c since she's looking for a place now. it always feels like I always want to help people I kno that need it. it somehow makes me feel like it's my duty to do something about it

little things in my life are shaping up. good & bad things are going on at work. my only complaint about work is that it's not coming at me as fast as I'd hope. it seems like the managers want to take on as much as they can, so that leaves me pretty bored some days. for some reason I like being busy, slightly overloaded. or on a project where I have no clue on what to do. I like the sense of accomplishment when I get something done.

Mood: it'll be weird moving back home. it won't feel like MY home
Location: roaming between home & homehome

6/20/2011 1:07:17 AM

