About Me

cloud 9

I have yet to work on my taxes this year, only because I'm a little concerned about my taxes last year. I filed for the first time home buyers tax credit. I've resubmitted about 3-4 times. each time they claimed I had missing data. of course the form they always say don't resubmit documents since it would take more time. this last time. I said F it. and highlight everything. I got my check last night. it just took them over a year and 3-4 resubmissions. it's a little sad when the US government can't tell you bought a new home.

At work, I've been working really hard. I try to go above and beyond my title. I'm a little old school, thinking that working hard will earn me a promotion. My supervisors see it and want to give me one, but can't, they lack the authority & the funds. it is the state government and it's not up to them. someone from human resources could look at the things that I do and classify it as acceptable for my title. I've been working on trying to make it so human resources would have no doubt that I work beyond my title. I got a message today that my interview is next wends. what bothers me is it's over the phone.

Mood: yay more money!

3/8/2011 8:14:51 PM


Good luck!!! It's daunting to think that someone in HR has control of this, when they don't know the ins and out of your work.

3/15/2011 5:27:39 PM

