About Me

why don't U write in UR blog?

a friend asked me that. why? for the past few months I've been writing to help me out mentally. writing down my feelings and the pain helps me to release what would otherwise be bottled up. my sadness has been slowly dissolving away. the need for me to pour my feelings into this blog has diminished.

work has been draining. my project had so many hiccups. it was delayed for 3 weeks. each week I'd work hard on it, only to realize that there was something wrong and delayed. I didn't want it to be delayed anymore, so I took work home. I would do an additional 2-3 hrs every night, and work on it all weekend long. I even brought it to my father's shop! yea, I'm different from most of my peers at work. Now, my piece is done, it's still getting delayed. but once it's done, we'll be past our goal. the only driving force behind it is I put in for a promotion. it'll help secure my job and gives me more money.

I'm having a lot of bad feelings towards my cousin. my sister doesn't want me to say anything. so I'll just leave it at that. there WILL be a talk. I'm the type to say how it is... kind of gets me in trouble sometimes.

I'm becoming increasingly unhappy with my phone!! especially after texting on my itouch. it feels so unresponsive and the keyboard is really twitchy. I'm due for a new phone, but the biggest thing I'm waiting for is dual-core on a cellphone. it'll be a few more months until I find one that I like.

me & mme? we're happy. she especially likes the fact that I can cook for her. I have an iron stomach and dead taste buds, I'm always worried that it might taste bad or make her sick. so far so good!

Mood: things are hectic, but I'm lovin it!!

1/28/2011 8:23:22 AM


You are definitely shattering the state worker stereotype! Some people feel that they can't get fired and are perfectly content doing the bare minimum (ahem).

1/28/2011 12:14:09 PM

