About Me

start of a new year

another year passes by. of course turning 30 is a big deal, but I don't feel any different. I feel like I'm having a fresh start from before. looking a head I see a lot going for me...

work has been hectic. but as always I enjoy it! I'm semi in charge of a project. A lot of the decisions that I make really effect what happens. so I'm trying hard not to screw it up. But I'm feeling a lot of pressure since the project is already behind since BEFORE I was assigned to it. I've even went as far as taking work home. yes, a state worker taking stuff home... unthinkable!! I try to meet my deadlines... even tho in the back of my head I know that it's not the end of the world. I still feel horrible if I don't meet it. at the very least I try my very best to meet it. I'm still waiting to hear about the promotion request I put in. I have a lot of people rooting for me.

I've been meeting lots of people in the past few months. I want to be more social to change my old ways of being closed off. in the past few months I've met lots of amazing people! and the people that I kno already, I'm trying to be closer with. I'm a big believer on having a handful of really close friends.

there's no way I can talk about the future without mentioning mme. I don't kno why it seems more official when it gets posted onto facebook. I guess UR kind of announcing to the world that UR together. I'm really happy being around her.

Mood: dark days are behind me... things are getting brighter all the time!

1/18/2011 6:32:35 PM

