About Me


I had fun on my trip. it was a little stressful for me because I don't like spending a lot of money. but at least it's only a once in a while. it was organized by my friend, she invited two of her friends. a guy and a girl, so it was 2:2.

now... for the darwin moment... I got the flight date wrong. I left the 23rd but everyone didn't get there until the 24th. I knew that I would be spending a lot of money, so I didn't want to get a hotel for the night. so I lived like tom hanks in terminal :P I was able to pass out a little on 2 benches that were across from each other. I think the weirdest thing had to be someone laying down blankets by a window and passing right out. about 26 hrs from when I landed... I met up with 2/4 of the group.

I wasn't the only one that had flying trouble. the two that I met up with arrived to ewr late, so their bags didn't make it on the plane with them. the airline put it on the next flight. and I heard news that the last person missed her flight, so she was on standby. she was able to get on the next flight. and arrived about 2hrs later. the 3 of us went to the fontainebleau hotel. getting into the room... first thing... SHOWER!! since I had my glasses on, I'm used to taking out my contacts. I flushed one contact down the drain. I as able to find my left one!! so the rest of the trip I had one contact. everything kind of looked 3d! interesting experience.

pretty much the things we really did was eat, walk around, just hanging out and relaxing. I'm used to waking up early and working out. most of the mornings I waited around for everyone else to wake up :( until I realized that I can workout and shower before they realize I'm gone!! so this trip I dropped about 2 pounds :D

since there was a blizzard sunday/monday... I got an email sun night saying that my flight was cancelled. so when monday rolled around... I did a morning workout and tried to get in touch with the airline to try to get back home. all lines were busy. my cousin's husband works as a pilot for the airline, pretty much said their phone system sucks. the best way is to go to the airport and talk to someone. I was going to go later. but I got a little emotional. and rushed out. I got to the airport and the line for newark was really long. an hour wait later. I decided to go to phl and the next flight would be wends early morning. I opted for one later in the day. I overheard the person at the counter next to mine that the next flight to ewr wouldn't be until sunday. I didn't mind since I left early and my friends would leave the next day, and my friend's friend would leave 31st. so I have a place to stay until then.

I'll write more later

Mood: glad I went. glad I'm home
Location: miami

12/31/2010 6:13:43 PM

