About Me

response to sexy

sexy, U seem like a relationship master (not really), but ultimately who are U to me? all I kno is that U stumbled onto my blog, most likely through some friend on facebook. what do U really know about me and my life outside of this blog? I have no idea who U are or what UR intensions are with UR reponses. the ones that truely know the story about my ex are the people that are really important in my life. co-workers, distant friends, parents, they only know that we broke up and can't be together again. cl is family, someone that I trust dearly and knows about 90% of the story. what I write on the blog UR looking at about 60% of the story. U write about me like U've been there next to me, but all I see is a nickname, an anonymous person lurking in the shadows. with all that, who are U to judge what I feel? especially since U said, there's no right or wrong. my feelings, my life, my blog.

my ex gave me a choice. be freinds and stop trying to get back together with her, or be gone from her life. I'm sorry, but she's with another guy. the last time I was over, his stuff was all over the place, shaving cream in the bathroom, laptop, ps3, tools, even a picture of the two of them on her iphone background. (I wasn't snooping, but I'm very observant). he's not going anywhere. could U be friends with an ex that did that? have someone partially move in 1 month after breaking up? maybe UR a stronger person than me, but I see that as a huge slap in my face. the more I think about it, the more I don't think I can forgive her. When I first learned about the other guy, I thought I could live with it, the happiness of just being with her again would overcome any doubt that I had, but the more I sit down and think about it, the more it hurt.

I've done what I could to try to win her back, I gave her no good reasons to continue to walk further away from me. which is why I can walk away now, I said everything I could. I'm an intense guy, so when I say something really I mean it. she's made her point clear. she doesn't want me anymore. I do take the experiences with her to heart. I'll cherish the good times and learn from the bad. Which is why I'm trying to change my life. so I won't make the same mistakes. I'm not perfect. I make mistakes, sometimes big ones.

Even though I'm saying that UR opinion doesn't mean shit to me. I am trying to take it as constructive critisism. I am trying to write more without regard to others feelings. I'm tyring to learn from what I've done wrong in the past and make it better, I've done a lot of new things since. I plan on doing more to help me change. I'm trying to take the passion that I had and shift it to other areas of my life.

sexy, be nice to cl. I don't want to read another message like that again. people have their own opinions, but be respectful to people that important to my life. I don't care, U can comment whatever U want about me. I kno I have issues and need to be smacked to be woken up every now and then. if U really want to help, let's meet up and I'll tell U the whole story and we'll see what U say then.

Sexy post1 - Sexy post2

Mood: I'm curious as to who sexy is now.

12/7/2010 8:29:40 AM


Nice to see you understand what I was trying to get at. Yes it hurts, but we must feel the pain inorder to learn so we dont do it again. Not saying what you did was wrong but maybe wasnt what she wanted. We all know friends and family will alway protect and be on ur side. But a true friend will tell you what you never wanna hear. Think about that alittle deeper n u'll know who ur real friends are. I dont need to know the story and i dont need to know what kinda person you are. I'm just saying forgive, forget , and learn. Play on player!!

12/14/2010 11:05:38 PM


First of all im getting tired of everything that you are saying and writing on this blog. all you do is write about how you've tried to do everything and anything for helen. Let me start off by saying u didn't do anything for her. what you've done is not for her well being but for your own gain. U are doing nothing for her. everything that you've done is so you can get back into a relationship with her so don't go and say what you've done for her and stop making yourself feel like u are the victim. Also u make yourself sound like you deserve some kind of award because you loved her and have given you're all to her while the both of you were together. Things like that shouldn't even be mentioned like its extraordinary. When 2 people get together, things like that should already be there because its the basic requirements in a relationship. Secondly it goes to show how much you care about her. Just cause the 2 of you can't be in a relationship means that you can't be friends right? that just goes to show how selfish you are and im glad helen don't have to ever consider your feelings before doing or saying anything ever again. Lastly i don't know what you're talking about when you said u don't think u can forgive her for what she's done to you. she didn't do anything to you or should she ask for your forgiveness. last time i checked, you are the one begging for her to come back and for all i know, BEGGERS can't be choosers. As far as im concern, i've never had anything against you before and after helen got together. But from what i heard, you wanted to hit me like i've did something wrong to you? Well then let me tell you this.. if you WERE to hit me, DON'T expect me to just stand there and do nothing because i will return a favor. As much as being said, I don't expect you to like me or have any reason to, but i don't hate you because you do have the right to be upset. But lets be honest here, both you and I know what kind of person helen is.. I'll appreciate it if you would stop bad mouthing her like she did you wrong. Also don't think im one sided or only know half of the story as you said to sexy. I know more than you think i know and believe me when i tell you this, I was always the one to tell her to give you more time and try to make it work. Just cause you love someone or love each other don't mean the 2 people can be together. it takes more than love and i hope you'll realize it soon enough..

12/22/2010 5:59:23 AM

