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holiday cleaning

I thought it would be a good idea to clean. I've kind of put my home life on hold since the breakup, I haven't cleaned about a month before and since. so my place is a total sty!! I've cleaned up about 2/3 of the stuff from my floor, 1/2 of the stuff from my primary desk. NONE of the stuff from my secondary desk. but it's looking a whole lot better. so I'm just glad for the improvement!

I got a text when I landed. my washing machine is busted. new one won't be here until the 17th. after coming home for a few days, the laundry that was washed in taiwan doesn't smell that good. I didn't smell it while I was in taiwan. but I guess being indoors heightened my sense of smell to the clothing that was hung out to dry. I have to go to my parent's house to rewash it. oh well I need to go there anyway and drop off stuff.

Mood: I want to reform my old GOOD habits and drop the BAD ones I developed

12/5/2010 4:08:30 PM

